---Downloaded files--- The import files for: Modern Agency Demo were successfully downloaded! MAX EXECUTION TIME = 60 Files info: Site URL = http://montepisanotree.org Data file = /home/w57394/domains/montepisanotree.org/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/demo-content-import-file_2017-06-21__12-18-47.xml Widget file = not defined! Customizer file = not defined! Theme Options file = 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------ Completed AJAX call number: 1 ------ Completed AJAX call number: 2 ------ Completed AJAX call number: 3 ------ Completed AJAX call number: 4 ------ Completed AJAX call number: 5 ------ Completed AJAX call number: 6 ------ Completed AJAX call number: 7 ---Importing content--- [WARNING] Could not find the author for "blog_01" (post #6) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "01" (post #10) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v2_01" (post #72) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v2_02" (post #74) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "mob_06" (post #81) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "br_01" (post #83) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "br_02" (post #85) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "br_03" (post #87) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v2_07" (post #89) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v2_04" (post #91) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v2_05" (post #93) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "logo" (post #95) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "phone_01" (post #97) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "phone_02" (post #99) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "phone_03" (post #101) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "phone_04" (post #103) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v3_01" (post #105) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v3_02" (post #107) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v3_06" (post #109) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v3_04" (post #111) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v3_03" (post #113) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v3_05" (post #115) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "footer_logo" (post #117) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v4_02" (post #119) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v4_03" (post #121) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v4_05" (post #123) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v4_06" (post #125) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v4_07" (post #127) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "testimionial_p1_128" (post #129) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v5_02" (post #131) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "testimonial_p2_128" (post #133) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "testimonial_p3_128" (post #135) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v6_01" (post #137) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v6_03" (post #139) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v6_04" (post #141) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v6_05" (post #143) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v6_06" (post #145) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_02" (post #151) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_03" (post #153) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_04" (post #155) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_05" (post #157) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_06" (post #159) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_07" (post #161) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_08" (post #163) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v13_header" (post #165) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "line-900" (post #167) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v7_header" (post #183) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "01" (post #191) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "02" (post #193) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "03" (post #195) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "04" (post #197) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "05" (post #199) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "06" (post #201) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "07" (post #203) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "08" (post #205) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "09" (post #207) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "10" (post #209) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "11" (post #211) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "12" (post #213) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "t_01" (post #215) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "t_02" (post #217) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "t_03" (post #219) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "t_04" (post #221) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "t_05" (post #223) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "t_06" (post #225) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "office_01" (post #227) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "office_02" (post #229) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "slider_02" (post #231) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "slider_03" (post #233) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "13" (post #246) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "14" (post #248) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "15" (post #250) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "17" (post #254) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "18" (post #256) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "amsterdam_pin" (post #261) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "paris_pin" (post #263) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v15_02" (post #277) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "v15_03" (post #279) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "a_01_opt" (post #292) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "footer_white_logo" (post #294) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "menu-6" (post #313) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "menu-7" (post #317) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "menu-8" (post #319) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "menu-9" (post #321) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "m_a_01" (post #323) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "werkstatt_logo_2x" (post #325) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "03" (post #333) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "04" (post #335) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "05" (post #337) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "06" (post #339) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "07" (post #341) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "09" (post #343) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "10" (post #345) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "12" (post #347) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_61" (post #349) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_62" (post #351) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_63" (post #353) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_145" (post #355) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_144" (post #357) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_143" (post #359) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "News Ahem!" (post #361) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Facebook" (post #362) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Twitter" (post #363) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Dribbble" (post #364) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Instagram" (post #365) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Pinterest" (post #366) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_142" (post #367) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_115" (post #369) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_121" (post #371) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_146" (post #373) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_154" (post #375) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_153" (post #377) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_152" (post #379) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_130" (post #381) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_150" (post #383) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_149" (post #385) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_148" (post #387) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_161" (post #389) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_100" (post #391) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "w_170" (post #393) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Blog" (post #395) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Linkedin" (post #396) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Behance" (post #397) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "TwentyTwo" (post #398) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Heart Mirror" (post #399) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Auto Union" (post #400) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Zugasti Records" (post #401) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Pink Records" (post #402) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Chinatown" (post #403) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Transmission" (post #404) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "National University" (post #405) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Focus Magazine" (post #406) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "About Us – Agency" (post #190) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "The Agency" (post #407) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact Us" (post #408) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact" (post #409) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Home" (post #282) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #410) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Projects" (post #330) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #332) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Jason Shulman Captures Entire Movies In a Single Image" (post #411) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Nolan Paparelli’s typographic designs balance graphical styles and fluidity" (post #11) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Eunjoo Lee challenges the idea of utopia in her illustrated zine" (post #412) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Meet the prop-maker building imaginary boyfriends" (post #16) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Twelve studio’s rippling identity for Beijing new media studio" (post #18) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Heroes and Villains: Rio 2016 through the eyes of Wilfrid Wood" (post #20) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Steph Wilson’s photographs balance fashion, art and politics" (post #413) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lara records the determination of sporting Kuwaiti women" (post #414) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Danny Fox: the Cornish artist inspired by LA’s Skid Row" (post #415) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Paloma Rincón" (post #416) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Five & Dime" (post #417) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Broacay Planet" (post #418) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Kuti Kuti, the comic association looking to educate" (post #243) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "We speak to Ace & Tate Creative Fund Board Members" (post #245) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "“Nymphomaniac” photographer Casper Sejersen’s explosive images" (post #419) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Anja Wicki’s sarcastically sweet comic illustrations" (post #420) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Ran Park explores the chaos of “Konglish” in a new zine" (post #421) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Martin Müller designs covers for Specious Books" (post #253) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "The Faculty Magazine" (post #274) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Taiga Taxi" (post #284) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact form 1" (post #422) [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Henri Barande’s Saatchi Gallery exhibition monograph" (post #423) [WARNING] Could not find the author for comment #3 [WARNING] Could not find the author for comment #4 MAX EXECUTION TIME = 60 ---pt-ocdi/before_widgets_import--- ---pt-ocdi/after_import---